The Miguel and Aurora Lugo Caribbean Food Crops Society Student Scholars Program

Miguel and Aurora Lugo

Miguel and Aurora Lugo

Dr. Miguel A. Lugo López

Dr. Miguel A. Lugo López was born in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, July 21, 1921.  He completed his primary and secondary education in Mayagüez.  In 1943 he graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Sciences with a major in Agronomy and with honors from the University of Puerto Rico (UPR), Mayagüez Campus.   That same year he started to work as an agricultural research technician with the USDA, Mayagüez.  In 1945 he completed his masters in soil science from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.  For the next two years he was an Assistant Professor at the UPR, Mayagüez Campus.  In 1950 he completed his Ph.D. in soil science from Cornell University. 

From 1950 to 1957 Dr. Lugo López was an Associate Researcher with the Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) of the UPR in Río Piedras.  From 1957 to 1961 he was stationed at the AES of the UPR in Gurabo, where he was administrator from 1960 to 1961 and Assistant Director of the AES-Río Piedras from 1961 to 1964. 

He was Acting Director (1964-66), Associate Director (1966-68) and Soil Scientist (1968-69) at the AES-Río Piedras.  From 1969 to 1972 he returned to the UPR, Mayagüez Campus as Director of Planning, and Associate Dean of the College of Agriculture.  From 1972 to 1974 he was Dean of Students.  During his final years at the UPR, Mayagüez Campus (1974-77) he was project leader and Soil Scientist of a joint UPR-Cornell University, USAID funded project.

Upon his retirement Dr. Lugo López began a career as an international consultant.  He continued to work for Cornell University (1977-79) and with a local consulting firm (1981-85).  He worked on projects in the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Haiti, Bolivia, Panama, and Costa Rica.

As a faculty member of the College of Agriculture of the UPR, Mayagüez Campus, Dr. Lugo López offered courses in soil science, and mentored graduate students completing their masters program.  He was author and co-author of more than 200 scientific papers which were published in local and international journals.  He was a distinguished soil scientist who specialized in soil taxonomy of the soils of Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin islands. 

He was a member of various professional societies and organizations, such as Phi Kappa Phi, Gamma Sigma Delta, Alpha Phi Omega, New York Academy of Sciences, American Society for the Advancement of Science, Colegio de Agrónomos de Puerto Rico (Agronomists Association of Puerto Rico), Puerto Rican Society of Agricultural Sciences, American Society of Agronomy, Soil Science Society of America, Soil Conservation Society of America and his beloved Caribbean Food Crops Society (CFCS).

Dr. Lugo López was instrumental in the existence and development of the Caribbean Food Crops Society.  He held various positions such as Vice Chairman, Country Representative, Treasurer, Secretary, Editor and member of the Advisory Board.  His active participation in the CFCS spanned more than 40 years. He not only authored and co-authored numerous research articles published in the Proceedings of the CFCS, but also encouraged young scientists working in the Caribbean Region to present their results at the Annual Meetings.

Dr. Lugo López was a devout Catholic who labored as a community leader, advisor to the charismatic group and lay ministry in his parochial church in Isabela, Puerto Rico.

Dr. Lugo López died in 2005.  He is survived by his son Peter and two grand children.

Mrs. Aurora Lugo

Mrs. Aurora Lugo was born May 1, 1918, as Aurora De Menkini in Russia.  In 1922 her family immigrated to the United States, New York, where she completed her primary and secondary education.  In 1945 she completed a bachelor’s degree with a major in Animal Science from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York.   It was at Cornell where she met Dr. Lugo López.  They got married, and set up residence in Puerto Rico, where Mrs. Lugo engaged immediately in the agricultural sector.  She was later hired as an agricultural extension agent with the Cooperative Extension Service (CES) of the UPR, Mayagüez Campus.  She retired from the CES in 1978.    

She was a member of various professional societies and organizations, such as Gamma Sigma Delta, Colegio de Agrónomos de Puerto Rico (Agronomists Association of Puerto Rico), Puerto Rico Society of Agricultural Sciences, and her beloved Caribbean Food Crops Society (CFCS).

Like her husband, Aurora Lugo was instrumental in the growth and evolution of the Caribbean Food Crops Society.  She held various positions, such as Treasurer, Secretary, and member of the Advisory Board.  Her active participation in the CFCS spanned more than 40 years. 

Mrs. Lugo was also a devout Catholic who labored as a community leader in her parochial church in Isabela, Puerto Rico.  Even at 96 years of age, she was active managing her 30-acre farm and tending to her animals and crops. She passed away at the age of 98 years old in 2016.

Apply Now: Student Scholarship

The Miguel and Aurora Lugo Caribbean Food Crops Society Student Scholars 2025

Program Objectives

  • Foster research as a part of the overall educational process;

  • Support talented students in the presentation of their research outcomes at the CFCS annual meeting;

  • Expose students to international networking experience;

  • Mentor talented students in the overall functions of the CFCS so they can eventually occupy leadership roles in the Caribbean.


The Program’s long-term goals are to expose talented students to formal research, and to awake their interest in agricultural research careers in the Caribbean Region. Student scholars can be chosen from among active research programs in and outside the Caribbean. However, their research must be focused on the needs of the Caribbean Region. Funded Scholars will receive US$500.00 to partially cover their travel expenses to the Annual Scientific Meeting of the CFCS.

Program Details

Outcome: Scholars must deliver a verbal and or poster presentation at the Annual Scientific Meeting of the CFCS. They must also participate as members of the local organizing committee.


All undergraduate and graduate students conducting research relating to the Caribbean Region are eligible to apply. However the four (4) stipends are available for students from the Dutch, English, French, and Spanish speaking Caribbean Countries, Departments and/or Territories. Preference will be given to applicants carrying out research projects that have the greatest impact in the Caribbean Region. Applicants must submit an abstract of their research projects following the guidelines of the CFCS.


Eligible applicants must submit: (1) an abstract in their native language and in English, and (2) two letters of recommendation from active members of the CFCS. These should be sent electronically as PDF or Word files to: Mr. Jean Louis-Diman, Secretary Email:

Application Deadline

The abstract and 2 supporting letters of recommendation must be received by April 15, 2025. The abstract must also be submitted and accepted by the Local Organizing Committee.